European News Wrap, August 4 – What happened today

By Johnny Cullen

It’s all the cons today. Yes, more gamescom happenings, but it’s also Quakecon!

Nathan’s liveblogging John Carmack’s legendary five-year long Quakecon keynote for us tonight from 8pm BST. Will we finally see DOOM 4? Will we see Pete Hines announce another acquisition from ZeniMax? Will we see the new RAGE iOS game? All of these mysteries will be solved tonight. Join us then.

In gamescom-related happenings, we’ve now effectively locked down our schedule. Hallelujah. Still some stuff to sort, but we’re pretty much past the point of no return now. Either way, me, Pat and VG247 contributor Alex Donaldson will have you sorted for the show in a week-and-a-half. But there was news today. When isn’t there news? Here is the said news.

My main shift’s done, but I’ll be back tonight for Carmack. Remember: watch the mountains. You’re about to probably see DOOM 4 for the first time.
