Joe Danger sequel to be shown at gamescom

By Stephany Nunneley

Hello Games has announced a sequel to Joe Danger, the working title of which is Joe Danger: The Movie which will be playable at gamescom next week. Joe’s second outing starts with him working as a Hollywood stuntman, apparently.

According to studio boss Sean Murray, the game is sort of a sequel, but also something new entirely.

“I guess I would say that the entire gameplay experience of Joe Danger on PSN would be just one short scene in this new game,” said Murray. “We’ve kind of gone a bit crazy in terms of ideas and scope, or at least I really hope we have. If you liked Joe Danger, then I think it’s going to rock your world. Even if you didn’t like it though, this is different enough that we might just win you over. That’s the idea, but like I say, no one has seen it yet.

“Picture every film you’ve ever loved as a kid, from Labyrinth to Karate Kid to Robocop, all cut together into some crazy montage, and that’s basically the script for our game. The way I think about it, we’re making a game for every person who’s ever come out of the cinema, made a gun with their fingers and done some pretend fly kicks.”

Murray said that Hello isn’t ready to talk about platforms or a release date yet, but the firm hoped to reach a “much larger audience than PSN this time,” and hinted that at gamescom it will “also have other platforms/versions on show…some that will be a bit of a surprise.”

Thanks, Eurogamer.
