Minecraft update to include NPCs, more lethal spiders, silverfish

By Stephany Nunneley

Minecraft’s next update is in the works, and a few early details on it have been posted online from PAX Prime, which is going on this weekend in Seattle.

According to IGN, which was given an early look at it, there are quite a few things players can look forward to.

For one, when using a bow, players will be able to draw arrows back further which, like in real life, will result in the arrow flying further and with more force. When holding arrows in the game, you’ll move a bit slower, but having the bow in your hand will allow you to use it as a melee weapon when enemies get up close and personal.

Spiders will now poison you, a new teleporting enemy type called Endermen will attack you if you look right at them, and Silverfish will also be present inside mining blocks, just itching to cause you pain and suffering.

As far as content was concerned, players will be handed quests from NPCs, and players will earn experience and skill points when dispatching monsters and other ne’erdowells. There is a catch to the points system though – you die, you loose experience points. In other words, don’t die.

Consuming food has also been switched around a bit, and is now a necessary component to your character’s existence. A new hunger meter has been added, and in order to to gain health, you will have to max out the meter.

You can watch a video of IGN chatting about the impending Minecraft update through the link.
