Valve’s Gabe Newell has EA pulled its larger-named games from Steam due to “a whole complicated set of issues,” and regardless of the reason, it is not beyond reconcilable.
Speaking in an interview with Develop, Newell said he doesn’t think Valve can “pick just one thing and think the issue would go away,” if the one issue were fixed.
“We have to show EA it’s a smart decision to have EA games on Steam, and we’re going to try to show them that,” he said.”Companies have to earn the right to install content on their customers’ PCs on a regular basis. The same thing is true of Steam. We have to prove we are creating value on an ongoing basis, whether it’s to EA or Ubisoft or whoever.
“We really want to show there’s a lot of value having EA titles on Steam. We want EA’s games on Steam and we have to show them that’s a smart thing to do. I think at the end of the day we’re going to prove to Electronic Arts they have happier customers, a higher quality service, and will make more money if they have their titles on Steam.
“It’s our duty to demonstrate that to them. We don’t have a natural right to publish their games.”
EA recently started pulling its larger titles off the service, and started offering newly released DLC on its own Origin digital service.
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