Nintendo: Ambassadors Program for Europe detailed

By Stephany Nunneley

NOE has listed features part of the 3DS Ambassadors Program for those in Europe.

Starting September 1, the first round of games will have a “priority delivery” and these NES titles will later be upgraded – as previously reported – with multiplayer, an electronic manual, and restore points. The later bit will replace a Virtual Console suspend function which will allow for temporary save points. The games will be upgradeable once they are released on the eShop to the general public.

GBA titles will contain regular save features for the duration. These games will be made available later on in the year and are only available to Ambassador Program folks. They will also contain an electronic manual, but as mentioned above, will not contain VC Suspend or Restore Point functionality, and if you close the lid to your 3DS, it won’t go into Sleep mode. In other words, the games will work the same as they do on DS Lite right this moment.

Nintendo will also release a firmware update later in the year allowing folks to NES and GBA games to a different 3DS system.

The firm has also said all 20 games will be made available to Ambassadors before the year is out.

Nintendo officially dropped the price of 3DS today to $169, but not before a few retailers got the jump on one another.

Thanks: D’toid, ONM.
