No More Humiliating Photos! Facebook Changes Photo Tagging Policy!

Desi Jedeikin

At long last the Facebook Gods have answered our prayers! We will now have control over what photos of us are tagged! WOO HOO! Imma break out my contraband case of original recipe Four Loko and do rude things towards the camera in a drunken photo session tonight! I kid, I kid.


Basically, when someone tags you in a photo from here on out, you will be notified and have to give your approval to the tagging. Now the only consequences you'll face after a night of drunken carousing is the loss of a few thousand brain cells and your dignity! YAY!


And since Facebook is so down with what we want all of a sudden *coughgoogle+coughcough* they've even gone one step further, making it not only easy to remove tags, but to request the offending photo be taken down. And if those jerks still won't take it down, initiate the nuclear option. BAM! Block their a**es! 


Facebook will be rolling out the new tagging approval features in the coming days. So prepare yourself for lots of status inquiries of whether or not you have the new Facebook features yet. And as with any Facebook privacy setting it's an 'opt-out' feature. So you'll have to navigate your privacy settings and  figure it out. Or be like me and wait until one of your goody-two-shoes friends gives you a step by step guide on how to opt-out in one of their status updates.


The sad part is, it may be the end of the road for seeing hilarious photos that people don't want you to see of them on Facebook! I mean I like it when it happens to others, just not me! 


But this being Facebook, you know there has to be some bad news with the good. Another 'great' new change is that, apparently, now even a STRANGER will be able to tag you in photos. I don't even know how this is possible. Strangers having photos of you is always a creeper kind of thing, am I right?


You can read the new policies in full detail at the Facebook blog.

What do you think of the new tagging policy?  What are some other things you'd like to see Facebook improve? I wanna hear what you think @DesiJedeikin or you can tell everyone your thoughts in the comment section!

10 Facebook Pics You Do NOT Wanna Be Tagged In
