Original Portal creator Kim Swift’s Quantum Conundrum revealed

By Stephany Nunneley

Kim Swift, who left Valve for Airtight Games, has revealed her new project to Gamespot and it’s called Quantum Conundrum.

In it, folks will play a kid searching for his uncle, Professor Fitz Quadwrangle, who is a mad scientist. His mansion has been filled with various, strange science experiments which will be the puzzle elements in the game.

Players will use a glove which will allow them to shift dimensions, and players place “glowing pink batteries” in receptacles which will allow dimensional rifts to grow larger. This will allow players to pull themselves into a parallel dimension.

These dimensions will turn rooms of the mansion and its contents into sort of an alternate reality. One of these rooms tasks players with “redecorating it,” in order to help getting to the next area. In normal reality, safes and other objects will be hard to move or reach, so switching dimensions will help matters.

You can watch the launch trailer for the game with commentary from Swift below, and read the full article on Gamespot.

Quantum Conundrum is slated for release in early 2012 on Steam, PSN, and XBL.
