Day three of gamescom went by like a flash of lightening. It really did. Despite a crisis at the house, I got a bit of work done, still, and no one lost a finger.
Shift Highlights
Gamescom 2011: Sony’s Yoshida on the PS3 cut and more
The guys have a chat with Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida on dropping PS3 to £199, Media Molecule’s “totally new” project, The Last Guardian, Gran Turismo and the future of Move.
Gamescom 2011: Namco liveblog from tomorrow 2:30pm
Thursday, we’re seeing Namco in the afternoon, showing us two big titles for both this year and next year: Dark Souls and Soul Calibur V. We’re promised hands-on time with the latter tomorrow, but we’re only doing the presentation stuff.
However, new rules have been set in place around the house: no more using hedge trimmers or any other lawn-specific machine without kevlar gloves.
Now, it’s time for a frosty drink and to get you enlightened on all the gamescom goodness from today. As usual, the important bits are in lovely box form. Also, if you missed it, Stace’s European Wrap-up is through here.
- Pandora’s Tower, The Last Story dated in Nintendo European release schedule
- Quick Shots: Lady in Dishonored needs to look behind her
- Guild Wars 2 gamescom assets are just gorgeous
- Project Postman revealed as War of the Roses
- Assassin’s Creed Revelations gamescom trailer
- No cross-faction communication available in SWTOR planet chat channels
- Witcher 2: Version 2.0 dated, included in 360, new trailer
- Newell: “We really want to show [EA] there’s a lot of value titles on Steam”
- Quick Shots: Batman: Arkham City screens are rather chilly
- Diablo III beta still on slate for September
- SEGA gamescom screenshot and video extravaganza
- Quick Quotes: Blizzard on Mists of Pandaria trademark
- Quick Shots: War in the North gamescom screens, renders
- Ubisoft gamescom trailers: Rabbids, Tintin, Rayman
- BioShock: Infinite gamescom screens are all about Elizabeth
- Blizzard feels it failed with StarCraft II marketplace
- Wednesday Shorts II: Isengard, Dead Island, DDO, Notch, Deathwing
Now if only both would arrive in North America, we’d all be pleased.
This game sounds more and more interesting all the time.
Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Thumbs up on that, ArenaNet.
Finally, we all now know what that game codenamed after a silly Kevin Costner flick is about, and called.
Another stunning video for the Assassin’s Creed crowd.
At first the news was bit disappointing, but it got better.
More content is always a good thing.
Gabe Newell really seems like a nice guy, he really does.
The Dark Knight meets Mr. Freeze. No Arnold, thankfully.
A beta for Diablo III is coming, promise.
Tons of screenshots and a few trailers for Sonic Generations, Renegade Ops, Rise of Nightmares, Virtua Tennis 4, Crush3d, Binary Domain, Shinobi, and Anarchy Reigns.
Sure, Blizzard.
They’re taking the Hobbits to Isengard! Oh, wait, wrong game.
Ubisoft gamescom trailers.
BioShock: Infinite cannot get here soon enough.
Hopefully, this will be sorted soon.
Another shorts post to finish your day.
And here’s the bits Deb covered for us today:
- Ubisoft changes Driver: San Francisco’s DRM policy
- Black Knight Sword announced by Grasshopper Manufacturer
- GoldenEye 007: Reloaded MI6 Ops Mode gets trailered
- Quick Shots: Far Cry 3 gets Gamescom screens
- Blizzard: No Starcraft MMO planned right now
- Activision isn’t too pleased about EA’s public “mudslinging”
At least it’s not as bad as it was.
Sounds like a very interesting title.
Bond. James Bond. GoldenEye. 007. Shaken. Not stirred. Oh James! Hello Moneypenny…
Far Cry 3 is looking swank.
Sorry. No StarCraft MMO for you.
Fair play to you Eric.
See you tomorrow.
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