Very Best Of FMyLife: Monkey Edition


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Monkeys are fun loving creatures that hang out with kids and spit truth to power but they can just as easily make you scream F My Life! That's where FMylife comes in, collecting the worst moments of our lives, all in one place. Here are some of the best monkey-based FML moments this week!


Tie Your Balloons To The Monkeys To Make Them Fly Away

Today, I was let go from my balloon-selling job at the zoo. They put a new monkey cage in my designated spot. I was literally fired so a monkey could take my place. FML








That'll Teach You To Enjoy Yourself

Today, was my first day at school. I got kicked out of the class for imitating a monkey. I wasn't imitating a monkey... I was laughing. FML








I Bet They Get More Hair In The Soup Though

Today, I learned that in Japan there are monkeys that wait tables and work at a tavern. Literally, I have a job a monkey can do. FML








Monkeys Hate Peace

Today, while studying in India, I was peacefully journaling, reflecting and enjoying the beautiful landscape. And then a monkey threw its poo at me. FML








Taze Her, It's The Only Way

Today, at the supermarket, my mother stopped in the middle of a lane and imitated a gorilla as a way of asking me from far away if I wanted any bananas. FML








BMWs Get What They Deserve

Today, I was pretending to be a monkey for a "documentary". The branch snapped and I fell out of the tree and onto a car roof. It was after school, I fell onto the dean's BMW. The video was on facebook before I regained consciousness. FML







That Man Is A Hero

Today, I awoke to my husband donning a gorilla mask in the middle of the night. My kids have been staying in a tent out back for the past few nights, and have complained of a "monster" scaring them. I told them that it was their imagination. My husband says he gets a kick out of it. FML







The Answer Is Obvious: You Need To Eat Him

Today, I was walking at a section of the zoo where you are in the cage, and the monkeys are climbing outside of the cage. I was having a great time until I looked up and one of the monkeys urinated all over my face. Not only did everyone see, but there was no way for me to shower for six hours. FML






Seems Like An Even Trade

Today, I took my daughter to the zoo. I threw a piece of my sandwich towards a very cute chimpanzee. As a thank you, he threw a piece of crap at me, which exploded all over my shirt. FML






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