5 Super Strange Japanese Toys

Daniel Dominguez

Japanese toys seem to be less about teaching children valuable lessons like sharing and learning to be yourself, and more about making so confused about what things are for that they are too afraid to leave their house.


The Electronic Finger Box


This is a popular toy in Japan where the object is to stick your finger in and have a digital representation of your finger poke a tiny man and a school girl. While it's fun to poke people, the thing about the toy I don't like is that when you stick your finger inside it your fingers it temporarily transported to an alternate dimension that's populated by giant jerks.


The God Jesus Robot


The God Jesus Robot is a robot with a cross that answers your questions. Much like the real Jesus, if you get water all over it, it will stop working. Much like the real God, it takes 4 triple-a batteries.


Hot Girls With Plane Parts For Legs


In Japan it's not enough for a girl to be hot, she also has to be able to fight sky crime with her appendages. Thousands of little girls in Japan die every year trying to figure out the right diet that will give them the cultural ideal of small breasts, big hips, and fully automated jet legs.


A Plush Virus


What kid doesn't want to love and squeeze a big soft incurable infection for which there is no known cure?


A Gun That Fires Teddy Bears


Blessed are the meek for they will inheret the Earth. And now we know exactly how.



What are some crazy toys you'd like to see? Let us know in the comments!


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