DC Universe Online going free-to-play in October

By Johnny Cullen

Sony Online Entertainment’s said that it’ll turning DC Universe Online free-to-play from October on both PC and PS3.

Speaking to IGN, SOE producer Lorin Jameson said the switch was not due to a decrease in players from the MMO, noting the game became much most money-costing than predicted

“In terms of ‘Is it a result in a drop in subs’ – absolutely not,” said Jameson.

“This is the right business model. If I can be honest, the game ended up costing a lot more than we thought it would, and this was our preferred business model from day one.”

Free players will gain access to the ongoing gameplay in DCUO, including Gotham City and Metropolis, as well as all raids and alerts. Players will also get purchasable downloadable game packs/updates, additional character slots, powers and thensome.

Premium players who have obtained the status from spending more than $5 in the game will get more more character slots than free players, more inventory slots and bigger cash limits, with the ability to purchase more downloadable adventure packs, additional character slots plus more.

Legendary players will get all the features and benefits from the two groups above, as well as all the DLC for no extra charge, more than 15 character slots, 80 inventory slots and being able to form leagues with no size restrictions.

Becoming a Legendary player will set you back $15 a month.
