DICE responds to Battlefield 3 dev build asset leak

By Stephany Nunneley

DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson has responded to the leaked developer build footage of Battlefield 3 on Xbox 360, stating the footage – which has been subsequently been pulled – wasn’t how the firm nor EA wanted people to experience the shooter.

“As people have probably noticed, when we show our games – we are very proud of what we’re doing – we always want to show it in the best light. We want to show the product as good as possible,” Troedsson told Eurogamer. “Watching the game in crappy 320×200 resolution on YouTube is not the way that we want people to experience the game.

“We’d rather have them wait for us to show it in its real HD glory. There are a lot of hard hours that have gone into this from the team, and naturally we’re disappointed. But, yeah, things happen.”

The leak raised questions about why DICE hasn’t yet released proper video fotoage or screenshots of Battlefield 3 on console – besides the off-screeen footage seen on US chat show Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and on-stage at the EA Gamescom press conference.

Troedsson also addressed the fact that console footage of the game has been slim, compared to the game being shown running on PC.

“I understand you mostly see PC footage. It’s all part of what kind of strategy we use for what we want to show and when, and what the lead platform is,” explained Troedsson. “People shouldn’t worry. We play the 360 and the PS3 version every day in the office. I don’t expect people to be disappointed by this.

“We always want to show a platform that we have chosen to be our lead platform. In this case we did choose PC as the lead platform; it’s the one that has been, mostly, driving development forward. That is the reason why we have spearheaded a lot of the key assets with this as well.

“We’ll show this on console as well, and when the beta goes live people will be able to play it on console and they can make up their minds for themselves if they believe we’ve been hiding something.”

Battlefield 3 launches on October 25 and October 28 in the US and UK for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, with the later being packaged on two discs.
