EU News Wrap, September 29 – What happened today

By Johnny Cullen

Hello. You may have noticed I hadn’t done this in two days. I can only sincerely apologise. Actually, I’m not going to, even though I just technically did.

The reason why I haven’t done this is because I’ve been working on my Uncharted 3 interview from Eurogamer for the past two days, which was a fair bit of work. But it’s all done now, so we’re back in business.

As for when you’re going to see that, you’re most likely going to be seeing it tomorrow. But when it does go live, hopefully before the weekend anyways, you’ll hopefully see how much of a pleasure I had in doing that interview. Seriously the best I’ve ever conducted.

And we’ve still got more to come, but that’s for later. Here’s what happened on my shift AFTER I slept in. Again:

And that’s it. Actually, it isn’t. There’s one more thing to come tonight from me after this goes live. Watch for it at 5pm.

See you tomorrow at 7am. Baring my alarm doesn’t fail me again. Fucking iPhone.
