EU News Wrap, September 30 – What happened today

By Johnny Cullen

So the European news month comes to a close yet again. And what a month it has been.

For me, there was the bit of awesome that was doing Tokyo Game Show, albeit from home. That was a bit wicked. Plus, Zone of the Enders Collection on Vita = YES! So TGS wasn’t too bad.

But the main highlight of my month – and my year, full stop – was doing Eurogamer Expo last week. It’s something I’ve touched upon earlier this week, and I’m going to write up some more personal experiences about that on my personal blog tonight. So I’ll link to that in the Wrap on Monday.

That said, you need news. I can keep talking about Eurogamer until the fucking cows come home, but I need to round you up on the European shift. That, and there’s a fuckton of games for me waiting to be played this weekend. So here you go. And if anyone is curious, I didn’t sleep in this morning. WIN:

And that’s it. This is also the end of the music theme for me as well: the final image is of Florence Welch of Florence + The Machine. The music theme will be back at some point, though.

The theme for next month will all be about my favorite movies I’ve seen very recently. Protip: Tron Legacy is one of them, but not the see all, end all. Nor is it the first image on Monday. The theme will continue until near the end of the month when I take off for a couple of days for the Games Media Awards, where I assume Stace will come in and cover me while I am there. He’ll probably go for something different.

Now, if you don’t mine, the following games are calling to me:

  • FIFA 12
  • F1 2011
  • Gears of War 3
  • Dark Souls [Dear sweet baby Jesus :(]
  • The Team ICO Collection
  • Battlefield 3 beta

Yup, fair to say I have a big backlog. See you on Monday, kids.
