By Stephany Nunneley
It’s Friday. Likely, you are screaming whoo-hoo as you run out the door of your office, Costanza-style, to your cars and flying home down the freeway. Celebrate with some shorts before you go.
- Check out Michelle Rodriguez as Rain Ocampo in Resident Evil: Retribution, where she appears in flashbacks.
- Here’s Sony’s new $800 3D headset.
- City of Heroes: Freedom has launched.
- A clip of The Raveonettes’ Batman soundtrack song “Oh, Stranger,” can be heard here.
- How about some Hello Kitty for your PS Vita? Well, when you get it that is.
- D’toid has a preview of World Tour mode in Forza 4.
- Speaking of previews, check out Keza’s second entry to her Dark Souls review diary.
- And here is just another preview, this time on Haunted.
- Patch notes for Mortal Kombat can be found through here.
- IndieGames has an interview on the shifting saga of Sound Shapes.
- Would you like tips on building a monster PC in 2011 without spending millions? Sure you would.
- Rock Band 3 is getting a Slipknot 4-pack.
- EA’s iPad games are 70 percent off this weekend.
- The US PS movie store has been updated with: Bridesmaids, Dumbo 70th Anniversary Edition, Setup, Spooky Buddies, After Dark Original: Area 51, and more. Music Unlimited has been updated as well.
- Here is the latest video for Rochard.
- It’s Friday screenshot time over on GamePron.
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