Zoo Entertainment’s IndiePub has announced a publishing platform similar to Steam, but only for indie titles.
Set to launch later this year, IndiePub will be a cross-platform service with iOS, Android, Windows, Mac and Flash titles, and social networking capabilities integrated into the client.
“The new indiePub marketplace will give indie developers a way to tap into the growing multi-billion dollar digital download market and make money with their games by combining innovative crowd-sourced marketing with unique developer-controlled distribution tools,” said IndiePub VP David Reynolds.
“Instead of a site telling them how, when and for how much to sell their games, indiePub will enable publishers to independently control these without limiting distribution to only one or two platforms. We’re working to make indiePub run on any device that can download apps.”
IndieCity, another indie distribution service, from Blitz Games Studios, was announced back in July.
Thanks, IndieGames.
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