By Stephany Nunneley
Poor Brenna. Her fingers must still be smarting from the shorts post she did this morning. Lady Luck was apparently on my side today for a change, as my shorts post is rather minuscule in comparison. I won’t get used to it though. Lady Luck took a walk on me ages ago.
- Quick PSA: the massive XBL sale on Xbox Live is, um, live. Lots of deals in there.
- NIS has detailed The Witch and the Hundred Soldiers, its open-world, hack and slash RPG for PS3.
- Screenshot featuring Yukiko and Kanji have appeared for Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayanoka Arena.
- Tommy Wiseau has a brand new show centered on video games via YouTube called The Tommy Wi-Show.
- GameFront just keeps rubbing the Diablo III beta in our faces with more screenshots.
- The opening sequence to The Simpsons has been given the Minecraft treatment.
- Twisted Pixel has revealed just how The Gunstringer came to exist.
- Remember the knife trick Bishop, aka Lance Henriksen, did in Aliens? Well, it’s been added to Aliens: Infestation as a minigame.
- A developer diary has been released for Orcs Must Die!
Enjoy the NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Generations trailer below, thanks to StolenGlory.
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