US News Wrap, September 16 – What Happened Today

By Stephany Nunneley

What a long, long day it’s been. However, it’s over with now. At least for me.

I have to say, this week has been one perpetual Monday gone awry. It started out with the death of a friend on Sunday, and nothing went right after that. It’s too horrible to discuss, so I will move on to something else.

What else, what else. Oh, yeah. I have a cat that is elderly and he is starting to have issues, so there’s that. Then, someone has dropped yet another cat off at my place, and I am trying to find him and the one I rescued back in July a home. It’s not working out too well. So, that brings the cat total to nine, and I am desperately trying to get it back down to just seven – which is more than manageable.

Let’s see. What else went on this week in the world of Steph? The dogs rolled in cow manure; I finally discovered the Tommy Seebach vs YouTube phenomenon; the battery post on my truck decided to break while I was at the grocery store; the truck also got stuck in the mud the following morning; my little brother, who I have been trying to help raise properly refused to get a job and ran off with some girl; I broke my favorite beer glass; my best friend’s husband is now “official” in the US for the next 10 years (hooray!); Dead Island was purchased; and also purchased was a silver craft marker to draw the letters back on my keyboard. Sadly, the ink rubs off every few hours.

That’s about it really. Happily, the week is over. With that said, here’s is what went on today:

I won’t be here tomorrow, because I will be attending a service for the aforementioned friend, so please, have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Tuesday.
