The weekend is here, which means you are stuck with only me tomorrow after having Alex, Jessica, and Stace pop in to help while Brenna is on vacation, and Johnny is at the EG Expo.
Everyone seriously needs to give all three of them a massive pat on the back for the outstanding job they did this week. They are not only reliable as VG247 temps, but are good at what they do and an absolute joy to work with. Bravo.
Now, get caught up on my end below.
- Diablo III to ship in early 2012, beta test extended
- DCUO going free-to-play will “open up” the game to more players, says SOE
- CCP has listened to players, promises many changes are in the works
- Bioware discusses companions in latest developer dispatch
- Skyrim team “more comfortable” developing on consoles than with previous Elder Scrolls titles
- Batman: Arkham City trailer shows The Joker and his henchmen
- Conan O’Brien shows the sensitive, less violent side to Gears of War 3
- Battlefield 3 beta entry explained in layman’s terms
- Epic doesn’t believe mobile games need to be sold cheap in order to succeed
- Battlefield 3 TV spot teased with Jay-Z track
- Irrational shows off Dungeon Duel, its cancelled RTS
- Bethesda’s bid for a restraining order against Fallout MMO developer denied
- EA inserts class-action prevention clause into Origin EULA
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Missing Link DLC gets a developer walkthrough
- PS Plus subs get Resident Evil: Code Veronica X HD 50% off
- Quick Quotes: Team Ninja not responsible for Other M’s story
- Friday Shorts II: Forza 4, Dark Souls, RE: Retribution, $800 3D headset
At least there is a launch window of sorts for this.
DC Universe Online is going F2P, and SOE tells you why.
No word on what all these changes are, but there’s a list of stuff that will be part of it in there.
Companions. Get acquainted with them.
Long headline is long.
That video MTV had yesterday some of you couldn’t watch is now watchable.
Conan rocks. Nuff said.
Here’s some answers on how to get into the beta.
He’s right, honestly.
Wow. Lots of comments for a post on a 25 second game clip.
Interesting concept on that game.
This still isn’t over, so don’t start cashing in your bets just yet.
More “please don’t sue us” clauses.
Title says it all, really.
The one Resident Evil game I haven’t played on consoles. I know. I should have my #1 Resident Evil fan tattoo removed with a cheese grater.
Blame Nintendo, apparently.
Lots of shorts and a very expensive headset.
Okay, I am off to make my famous chili. See you tomorrow.
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