Facebook is wonderful place where you can look at pictures of teenage girls trying to look sexy that end up just looking nervous, but facebook can just as easily make you say F My Life! That's where FMylife comes in, collecting the worst moments of our lives, all in one place. Here are some of the best Facebook related FML moments this week!
It Sounds Like A Healthy Relationship
Today, my boyfriend preferred to delete his account than admit we are in a relationship on Facebook. FML
Then Just Do The Face Smashing Thing
Today, it's been a week since my little brother took up his new hobby of posting "cool story, bro" in reply to almost every Facebook status and comment that I make. Not only do I already want to smash hisface against a brick wall, my parents will ground me if I defriend any family members. FML
That Kid Is The Sh*t (the star is an "I")
Today, while in my room sleeping, my little brother deemed it necessary to come in and drop a book on my face. When I sat up with a now bloody nose, he looked at me, pointed, and said "You've just been facebooked" and ran away giggling. FML
This Is An Actual Picture Of You And Your Ex-Boyfriend
Today, my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me. Ten minutes after, he called me asking how to change his relationship status on facebook. FML
Now Go On Facebook, Find Her Pics, And Ground Her
Today, I checked my Facebook to find I had been tagged in a bunch of photos from a party I had attended last night. On each picture I had a comment from my mom saying, "You're grounded." FML
So Meta!
Today, I woke up happier than I've ever been because last night I hooked up with the girl I have loved for almost a year and I thought I would never get with her. This morning I saw that her status on Facebook was "FML". FML
Still Better Than Heroes, From What One Guy Tells Me
Today, I posted astatus update on Facebook about how much I liked the Season Finale ofNBC's "Heroes". My hand slipped to the right and it came out as "I really love Herpes. It's much better than everyone says it is". I didn't notice for few hours. FML
What Gall! What An Ill Mannered Brute!
Today, I was on a plane. The person sitting next to me was using the plane's wifi, and was on Facebook. They joined the group 'I hate sitting next to fat people on airplanes'. FML
I Just Deleted You Too
Today, several family members, including my mum, deleted me from Facebook in a concerted show of contempt. Apparently, I just can't shut up about World of Warcraft. FML
I Hope You Have Poop Surgery For What You've Done To That Family
Today, a friend posted the Facebook status "Ahhh... relief." Trying to be funny, I replied "Why? Did you just poop?" A few hours later, I read her previous posts and found out her dad's in the hospital having heart surgery. Now everyone thinks I'm a heartless dick. FML
For more, check out FMyLife.com!
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