By Stephany Nunneley
It’s time for more little bits of news in one spot so you don’t have to read as much. Save your lovely brains for zombies instead. They need to eat too, ya know.
- Felicia Day have a walkthrough of Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin, and would apparently totally make out with herself.
- Another day, another job listing rumoring Alan Wake 2.
- If you have ever wanted to know how Polytron’s Fez was inspired by Ueda’s Ico, you can now die happy.
- An analyst has predicted Old Republic sales will hit 3 million in year one. This analyst need to look at horse tracks for me.
- The developer behind The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3D is also behind the Four Swords Anniversary.
- Worms: Ultimate Mayhem has hit Steam and XBL.
- A study conducted has found that Xbox 360 attracts nearly half of the social gaming audience.
- Want to play games and while doing so raise money for local children’s charities? You can through Extra Life 2011.
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