6 Signs You're Doing Too Much

Jessica Poter

October is a special time. If you’re in school, the excitement of the new year has worn off, and those extracurriculars that sounded exciting at the fall bazaar become less and less charming as you realize you have to actually do them. And if you’re not in school, well, Halloween is frickin’ stressful. No one ever has time to calmly shop for a Halloween costume. So basically, we’re all crazy-busy. Here are some signs that you’re doing too much.


Red Bull, Nyquil, Repeat



That 2pm math class is a real killer. If AB Calculus were bedtime, you’d have an excellent sleep every night. Unfortunately, you were up late the night before because you had football followed by madrigal practice, and you couldn’t start your Spanish vocab til 10pm. So now you’re chugging Red Bull, and you KNOW by the time you’re supposed to actually go to bed, you’re still going to be wired, so you’ll Nyquil it up, but then it’ll be hard to get up the next morning, so you’ll Red Bull it up, maybe Red Bull and coffee, and hey, is that a sniffle? No prob! You already have the meds! AND the wings. So many wings.


Calling Home From The Bathroom


Your mom is no longer grossed out at the sound of the toilet flush as she finishes telling you about her day. She knows that is the only waking time you have available, and she is honored to be the thing your other hand is occupied with. So she’ll listen as you cry (what? you’re incredibly strung out/wired!) and forgive you after you forget to call her back when you’re happy again.


Same Earrings and Purse, Always



Changing out your stud earrings and basic purse have become insurmountable tasks. It’d be nice to switch things up—you possess more appropriate jewelry to match that Polo shirt—but you simply do not have the time to make those efforts. However, at that time in the future when you do eventually change purses, you’ve planned out exactly how you’ll reorganize differently. Things will be better, you tell yourself. Next purse, you will not hoard receipts and gum wrappers. Until then, you must live with the lot you’ve been dealt—you def don’t have time to clean anything out.


Your Jeans Fit Loosely


Obviously, you’re not losing weight – you’ve been eating whatever is available on an as-needed basis. But when you’re super-busy, you don’t do your laundry often, and your jeans magically become loose fitting. The challenge here is to manage your sweat so they don’t start to smell; in which case it becomes helpful NOT to exercise. Which will be fine, since at present, your jeans can accommodate an elephant.


Outdated Movie Quotes


You haven’t had time to go to a movie in a while, but you still want your friends to think you have a life. So you’re sprinkling Bridesmaids quotes in there, hoping they’ll think it’s possible you loved that movie so much, it has eclipsed any newer releases for you. Whatever, Three Musketeers was supposed to have sucked anyway.


IMs Are Just Remind-Me-To’s


You’re always online, through your busy-person smart phone or laptop or whatever, but your conversations almost solely consist of you telling your friends, “remind me to tell you about X.” Of course, the next time you’re IMing, it’ll still not be the right time to tell the X story (it’s complicated!), but you’re not going to have time to hang out in person for a while, so the suspense will actually just kill your friend. And I’m sorry, even busy-people have to go to their friends’ funerals.

Can you guys think of any other signs that you’re doing too much? Do you feel like you’re one of these people? Let us know in the comments section!

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