Harrison Ford stars in Japanese Uncharted 3 commercials

By Stephany Nunneley

It’s not unusual for famous Hollywood types to appear in commercials overseas, especially in Japan, and below the break you can see one with Harrison Ford hocking Uncharted 3.

The first one is the normal 15-second TV spot, and below it is an extended 30-second version. While both are in Japanese, there is also a video with Ford chatting about the game as he is playing it.

He notes how adventurous and cinematic the game is, calls the storytelling “visual,” and even drops the words “incredible” and “fantastic” in there as well.

You may want to skip the last video, as it may contain some visual spoilers for you, so view discretion is advised.

The commercial starring Ford is just one of the many ways Sony is going all-out on advertising for what it hopes will be one of the biggest games this holiday season.

Uncharted 3 is out November 1.

Thanks, D’toid.
