The Simpsons Getting CANCELLED?

Desi Jedeikin

So what the heck is going on with The Simpsons? The internet is all abuzz with rumors of The Simpsons' demise due to the hardball contract negotiations between the main voice actors and the the producers of the show, Fox Television. Seems the two sides can't come to an agreement on how to divvy up the d'oh. Yeah, I went there.


Now the evil black-hearted producers--sorry, I mean the producers--are making public statements that The Simpsons is no longer profitable and they just can't afford to pay the actors their eight million dollar-a-year salaries. I see what you did there, producers. You're trying to make the actors look like greedy, good-for-nothing spoiled actors who have a lot of nerve to be complaining about a salary cut when most of the people in America are suffering. I think they went a little too far, though, when they leaked a photo that makes Marge look like nothing but a shallow party ho. I mean, this is clearly Photoshopped!


What the producers seem to be forgetting, I'm sure, is that they have made billions off of the show's syndication rights and licensing fees. In fact, the cast seems to be willing to take huge salary cuts for a miniscule piece of the fat cat pie. Surprise, surprise the producers are not interested in that, because you know the show is like really, really unprofitable. I'm beginning to think that Fox is run by Mr. Burns.


I know a lot of people think The Simpsons has jumped the shark and passed its prime and all that haters-gonna-hate kind of stuff. But I think it is still relevant. The 23rd season has just kicked off and has actually had pretty good reviews. The show does still have some cool factor, as the ridiculously awesome opening couch gag on the last episode--directed by Ren and Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi--proves. And anything that can bring us some Ren and Stimpy action is surely more worthy to continue on than a show about a painfully unfunny one about a loudmouthed chick named Whitney, who I can only assume is WAY funnier than her show is.



So with the dealine looming,  I say screw 'em, Simpsons cast! Fight the good fight. And if all else fails go Sopranos on their a**!


What do you think? Should the show just give it up? Will you miss it if it's gone? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

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