War in the North vignette introduces the Wight Lord of the Barrow-downs

By Stephany Nunneley

Warner and Snowblind Studios have released a new vignette for The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, and it features one my biggest nemesis: wights. Yes, you will fight orcs in the game along with trolls and massive spiders, but a Barrow-wight is more apt to piss you off than even a warg. But I am speaking of experience with LOTRO – in the video, you will become acquainted with the Barrow-wight Lord in WitN, whose army of the dead have taken over a Ranger burial ground. He uses magic and “minions most foul” to spread the rule of evil across the darkness and can use his powers to pit man against man. Watch it for yourself below, courtesy of TheOneRing, and see for yourself. War in the North is out on November 1.
