7 Things I Wish Siri Could Do

Maggie Grainger

The iPhone 4S has lots of fun new features, but the one that is getting the most buzz is Siri. All you have to do is ask Siri a question out loud and it will answer it for you. It’s crazy to think how far the iPhone has come in such a short time and I can’t help but wonder what Siri will be able to do next. Here’s seven things I wish Siri would be able to do on command.


7. Do My Laundry


Life would be sweet if all I had to do was say please and all my dirty clothes would be washed, folded and put away with ever having to have lifted a finger.



6. Pick Out Our Clothes Every Morning


Figuring out what to wear every morning can be a real drag. If Siri could mix and match what was already in my closet, I would never have to worry about wearing the same thing twice.



5. Drive My Car


Forget hiring a driver, with Siri at the wheel, I could go out and always have a ride home.



4. Clean the House


Your room would be spotless by the time you get home from school.



3. Find a Date


Need the perfect boy to take to prom? With Siri as your matchmaker, you’ll be the envy of everyone else at the big school dance.



2. Do My Homework


Life is too short for all this homework. Think of all the free time I would have if Siri did my Algebra homework.



1. Make Dinner


A delicious home cooked meal every night when you get home? Who knew Siri was such a great cook!



How could Siri make your life easier? What do you wish your iPhone could do? Let me know.


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