Two more games added to Humble Voxatron Debut

By Brenna Hillier

The Binding of Isaac and Blocks That Matter have joined Voxatron in the latest Humble Indie Bundle.

The Binding of Isaac is a top down shooter rogue-like from Edmund McMillen, one half of Team Meat. Blocks That Matter, from Swing Swing Submarine, is a charming puzzler. Trailers for both are embedded below.

Those who pay more than the average price for the bundle will receive the new additions; currently, it’s sitting at $4.25, with over 80,000 purchases. Markus “Notch” Persson normally vies with other contributors for top spot, but seems to have opted out of the usual bidding war this time, dropping a whopping $2000 in the hat.

The Voxatron Debut kicked off yesterday, and immediately racked up massive interest. Buying the bundle nets you the alpha version of unique platformer Voxatron, plus all subsequent updates.

All games are cross-platform and DRM free.

Thanks, Shack.
