UK MP Diane Abbott: “Wii-Fit games are perhaps better than PlayStation games”

By Stephany Nunneley

British Labour Party politician for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, Diane Abbott, believes Wii is better for children than PlayStation when it comes to nipping obesity.

During a Parliamentary debate on obesity and food education, Abbott’s response was to High Peak Conservative Andrew Bingham, who mentioned Wii-Fit as a form of beneficial activity.

“Far be it from me to advertise any particular product in this Chamber, but Wii-Fit games are perhaps better than PlayStation games,” she responded, clearly unaware of Move, Zumba Fitness, and or Dance Star Party, according to Spong.

Minister of State for Health and Tory member for Chelmsford, Simon Burns, responded in a cognizant manner, stating that the “danger” had more to do with television in general, as many parents us the flickering box as an “easy option”, allowing children to spend hours watching television or playing games, “because it involves less effort on the parents’ part.”

The debate in question focused on obesity in children in the UK, and how the government needs to educate parents on the importance of physical activity, and how to cook properly instead of whipping out “a ready meal from Marks and Spencer.”

The full transcript is through here.

