Arnar Gylfason steps down as EVE Online senior producer

By Stephany Nunneley

EVE Online senior producer Arnar “CCP Zulu” Gylfason has announced he is stepping down in order to implement a “better and more efficient organization”.

According to his official blog post on the matter, the last 18 months were an “incredibly intense time” with “quite a few harsh lessons” for the firm and his position will now be filled by Jon “CCP Unifex” Lander, who has been lead on CCP’s Carbon technology team since 2009.

Lander also noted in a blog post that the development team, which currently employs close to 200 people, will be “concentrating” mainly on features already “in the game after eight years of development,” for the near future.

Lander also noted that CCP will be launching “each and every one of our subscribers who have a paying EVE account as of 23:59 GMT on December 31, 2011… into space.” Basically, all character names and images of subs “will be placed in an expertly crafted EVE Pod during Fanfest 2012, … affixed to a high-altitude balloon during the event and released to altitudes exceeding 100,000 feet and into the realm of near space.

A camera will record the voyage of all EVE capsuleers as they crest the curve of the planet.

Thanks, Massively.
