Bossa Studios head says Vita will die “horrible premature death”

By Andrew Groen

You can file this story firmly in the “take it for what it’s worth” category. The head of UK game development house Bossa Studios, Henrique Olifiers, said he thinks PlayStation Vita has a rough road ahead.

“”We’ll keep on the lookout to see what the next gen will bring, but if they want more focus on tech specs rather than usability and accessibility, I don’t think it will be for us,” Olifiers said. “I hate the fact you cannot play a game on the PS3 against the same game on the 360 or PC. Walled gardens in a world where people are freely connected all the time is just a dumb idea that limits what is achievable.”

“Valve is bang on: proprietary stuff is madness, we should be moving to more open platforms, to interoperability, bringing everyone together. If this is not the motto for the big console manufacturers, not only will we not be there — they’re likely to die a horrible premature death, the kind of which I think the Vita will suffer from.”

It’s an interesting story, but we’re taking this with a grain of salt. People who say things along the lines of “if you don’t follow my advice, your company will die a horrible death” don’t tend to be high up on our list of trustworthy sources. That said, there’s no question Vita faces a tough road ahead.

Via Destructoid.
