Hollywood Making A Version Of Jersey Shore.... With Nerds!?

Desi Jedeikin

The producers of Jersey Shore are at it again! A casting notice has just been released and it turns out instead of hard bodied hotties and people with ground beef for brains, they're looking for people who 'get all the references on Big Band Theory, revels in spotting Cylons among us or wishes to attend Hogwarts'. In other words a jackass Hollywood producer's idea of what a stereotypical nerd is. Self-respecting geeks need not apply. 


The show will be called Fandom Rising and according casting director Doron Ofir, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… men and women were free to create their own universes, passionately collect their obsessions, and proudly celebrate their eccentricities without any persecution from their peers. Now it’s time for the nerds to once again have their revenge, and show just why it’s the geeks who shall inherit the Earth,”  That's Hollywood BS nerd speak for "Take your clothes of and get into that  biologically contaminated hot tub Hot Zone." Although I think sexy and nerd is an excellent combo. So I'm not complaining.


You can bet a few 'Sexy gamer girls' will make the cut. I can already picture them lounging around in their Pokemon bra and panties, defending the merits of Bejeweled Blitz.


You can also expect one unconventional nerd. Like a misunderstood Guido, who is as well-versed in subatomic particles as he is submarine sandwiches. The girls  will love him the guys will question his nerd pedigree. He will have a 'Come at me, Bro!" moment after a nerd disses his Passaic County Community College AA degree.  I hope.


But hey,  the cast could include YOU!

"You may live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of the universe,” within a wrinkle in time, playing out a game of thrones and living within the romance of love with the undead, but you make the most out of it. Your life is filled with the exquisite, the extraordinary, the exceptional … whether you’re ridiculed or respected for it, your time has come!" Yup. Good job on the press release guys. I'm pretty sure you've offended every legit nerd with your veiled reference to Twilight.  Fandom Rising is gonna be a disaster!  Can't wait!


What do you think of Fandom Rising? Will you watch it? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out Jersey Shore Season Five Trailer Released!
