MGS: Rising would have been more “bushido” under Kojima’s watch

By Andrew Groen

In a recent red carpet interview, MGS-creator Hideo Kojima said that while he likes what Platinum Studios is doing with the game, it would have been quite a bit different if it were his game.
Speaking in a red carpet interview with at the Spike VGA’s, Metal Gear Solid: Rising producer and famed game director Hideo Kojima made comments suggesting how the game might have been different under his direction.

“As you will see in the trailer, Rising is going to be something completely different. They made something very different from what I do, and I like it,” Kojima said through a translator.

“It’s a very speedy Metal Gear,” he continued. “I’m only the producer, I’m not working on the game design. I think that if I was working on the game design of that game the outcome wouldn’t be as speedy a game as they are making right now. It would be more like Bushido, the way of the samurai. Not ninja-action, but something that takes care more of the slow movements.” (The last part seems a bit rough after translation.)
