Bioware: Rise of the Rakghouls will “show everyone how serious we are” about SWTOR

By Stephany Nunneley

Bioware has released Update 1.1 for Star Wars: The Old Republic, Rise of the Rakghouls, which the game’s director said will “show everyone how serious we are about expanding” the game’s universe.

Speaking in a design note on the game’s official website, Jame Ohlen said the update was just the first in a series of content, as the team has many plans in place as it continues “expanding and exploring the galaxy.”

“There’s much more to come,” he wrote. “We have another major update planned for March and future content arriving throughout 2012 and 2013. We plan to release new Operations, Flashpoints, Warzones, Space Missions, single player content, vehicles, and companion characters.

“We’ll always be improving our existing game with additions like guild banks, PVP ranked matches and interface customization. Our Legacy system expands in March, bringing more options and a new level of depth to the existing character classes.”

Ohlen said to also expect “a few surprises” between game updates, as “you never know when the Republic might strike Dromund Kaas, if a mysterious alien fleet could appear in the Core Worlds.”

“Changes are coming, and they’ll affect everyone,” he said. “We fully intend to support Star Wars: The Old Republic—and our players—for many years to come.”

You can read patch notes pertaining to the update through here.
