Ninja Gaiden 3 dev diary unmasks and humanises enemies

By Brenna Hillier

The faceless hordes are faceless no more in this Ninja Gaiden 3 developer diary, which may make you a little uncomfortable about chopping them up for a bonus.

In a short sequence, the player confronts a faceless enemy, who removes a balaclava to beg for his life.

“In Ninja Gaiden 3, we’re aiming to give players the closest feeling of what it’s like to cut someone down with a katana,” online planner Yoshinori Ueda notes prior to the scene, and presumably means the emotional impact as well as the slicing.

Ninja Gaiden 3 is expected on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in March.

See the full developer diary, complete with dramatic shots of Team Ninja members staring moodily into the camera, below.

Thanks, Koei Warriors.
