Snoop Dogg Arrested For Weed?!

Mikey McCollor

If I were to tell you Snoop Dogg was arrested, what do you think it would be for? Weapons possession? Causing too much drama in the LBC? But certainly not for marijuana, right? People know Snoop Dogg carries weed. It's just what he does. It's part of him. We can't start arresting people for having something that's part of them, can we?

"Ma'am, you're under arrest for possession of blood in your veins."

And it was only 0.13 pounds of marijuana, too. That is an incredibly small amount of marijuana. Grocery stores can't even guarantee there isn't 0.13 pounds of arsenic in those bags of cereal they sell on the bottom shelf.

Dollar cheaper though.

This happened in Sierra Blanca, Texas, the same town that arrested Snoop's fellow marijuana icon Willie Nelson in 2010. Snoop rallied against that, and even went as far as to say that he has a permit so "they can't arrest me". Speaking of which, did you know Snoop Dogg's great great grand-uncle worked on the Titanic?

"Man, this ship is sturrrdy. The muf*ckin' Titanic's unsinkable." - Theodore "Rascal" Broadus, 1912

So what is this town's beef with marijuana icons? Is the sheriff sitting in is office, watching the Up in Smoke Tour DVD just fuming? "How can they get away with this?! Am I the only one left in this country who cares about the law?!" Clearly, the sheriff in Sierra Bianca is a man who will break before he will bend. I'm glad he's not the one doling out punishments as well.

"Now son, If you really didn't want to lose your hands then you wouldn't have taken that Snickers bar now, would you?"

I don't know if I can really back this up, but in my gut it feels okay for Snoop Dogg to possess marijuana. I feel like, if laws are ultimately a social pact, we've all pretty much come to agree that Snoop Dogg is can break this particular law. On the other hand, I'd hate to see that kind of thinking applied to anyone else. Especially DMX. I think we need to do whatever we can to keep DMX off the streets, whether he's broken any laws or not.

His eyes are cold and he barks, like, all the time.

How do you feel about Snoop's arrest? Is he finally receiving his comeuppance? Or did Snoop Dogg get the raw end of the bone? And is that an actual expression or did I just make it up to have a "dog" pun for the end of this Snoop Dogg story? Let us know in the comments!


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