Steam group of 29,000 protesting lack of Half-Life 3 news by playing Half-Life 2 simultaneously

By Stephany Nunneley

The Steam group “A Call for Communication”, which currently boasts 29,617 members, will be playing Half-Life 2 simultaneously on Saturday, February 4, from 11:00am until 11:30am PST in order to try and get Valve to announce anything pertaining to Half-Life Episode 3 or Half-Life 3 – if either exists. “Instead of focusing efforts in a negative and disrespectful way, we have decided to gain Valve’s attention by delivering a basic message: Your oldest and longest running fanbase would like better communication,” reads the message from the group. Earlier this month, the group had over 10,000 members join its ranks, and now that the number is pushing the 30,000 mark, hopefully Valve will take notice. Thanks, Ripten. [pic]
