10 Sexiest Presidents

Desi Jedeikin

 Let's be honest. There is nothing sexier than a powerful man. I've been brain-washed into believing that and I really, really do! And Presidents are the most powerful people EVER! So in honor of President's day, here's a look at the top 10 POTUS with the MOSTEST! Sex appeal that is. RAWWWRR!


George Washington



This is the only person in the US of A who can say 'FIRST!' and have it be incredibly badass. If I was alive during the Revolutionary War times, I would've totally let him chop down my cherry tree!





He's looking pretty yummy in this pic! It would be an honor to have Marilyn Monroe's sloppy seconds!


Teddy Roosevelt



Teddy is for sure the Chuck Norris of Presidents. Except he's obviously way hotter because of his sensitive side. He will not only wrestle a mountain lion to save your life, he will share tea and crumpets with you afterwards and still look completely butch with his pinky in the air as he hoists a tea cup. Plus, I have a weird thing for Mr. Pringles. 


Barack Obama



This is the first president we've ever had with a six pack. He's like the Taylor Lautner of Presidents, only friggin' brilliant, and instead of fighting a sparkly vampire he takes out Osama bin Laden.


Ulysses S. Grant



Sure he was a bit of an alcoholic, but he basically won the Civil War and he kind of looks like Russell Crowe... before he got a little bit bloated.


Harry Truman



Bruno Mars will catch a grenade for you? Truman will drop an atomic bomb for you! That's how he rolls! Also he has one of the greatest moments in Pwnage history! IN YO FACE, DEWEY!


Bill Clinton



It's true. Ladies love a bad boy. And he is the naughtiest president ever. His only cons are that he'll cheat on you and he's he vegan, which kind of makes him lose a little of his bad boy appeal. Bad boys don't eat roasted vegetable quinoa.


Franklin Pierce



Sure, no one remembers who the hell this president is, but he looks pretty fine so he made the list! I don't know what he's about to pull out of his pocket but I'm hoping he's happy to see me!





Dude was elected FOUR times! He's like the most popular guy in high school. Plus he was loaded and liked to give to those less fortunate than him. I happen to be less fortunate and like to receive from those who are loaded. He's my kind of guy!


Abraham Lincoln



Sure he looks like a hipster, but he was sporting the Abraham Lincoln look when it was still called a neckbeard. And let's see, um... he freed the slaves and he killed vampires. Buh Bye Cullen!

Which president do you think is the sexiest? Let us know in the comments!

Check Out President's Day Pick-Up Lines!
