10 Worst TV Couples

Desi Jedeikin

It's that time of year when people start feeling REALLY miserable about their sadsack single status. I blame Hollywood, they make us believe in unrealistic ideals. True Love. They make us wanna fall in love with hot vampires named Angel. Or Spike. HOW WILL I EVER  DECIDE!?! 

But there are a lot of TV couples that will make you grateful to be single. Here's a look at 10 of the worst. To paraphrase the great philosopher Jon Bon Jovi, these couples give love a bad name.


Finn and Rachel--Glee



This whole list could've been couples from Glee, but it doesn't get more hateful than Rachel and Finn. The only combo that is more annoying than Finchal is that episode that combined Glee and the music of Justin Bieber. I know, right? Sometimes I feel like Glee searches the recesses of my mind, finds things that I can't stand and the gleekifies them just to make me weep for humanity.


Ryan and Marissa -- The O.C.



It's pretty telling that Marissa showed just as much passion with Ryan when she was dying than she did during their entire relationship. 


Fez and Jackie-- That 70s Show



The only good thing about this pairing was that it happened on the series finale, so I didn't have to witness all the un-sexy times. I feel bad for hating Fez, because I know I really hate Wilmer Valderrama. I kind of blame him for ruining Lindsay Lohan. Although she's doing a pretty good job of ruining Lindsay Lohan herself now.


Ronnie and Sammi-- Jersey Shore



This couple is the main reason I pray daily for the movie Jersey Shore Shark Attack to  happen in real life.  Here's hoping that sharks have a preference for orange meat streaked with black mascara.


George and Izzie--Grey’s Anatomy



This combo is the equivalent of Arwen getting her freak on with Samwise Gamgee. It just doesn't work. After you have sexy times with someone your face shouldn't look like you fear you may have just shart.


Dan and Serena--Gossip Girl



Who wants to kiss a girl who clearly walks around with a mouth full of marbles? This couple is the Marissa and Ryan of New York.  Hopefully Serena gets hobbled by a cab soon.


Speidi-- The Hills



It takes a pretty rancid duo to make Audrina and Justin Bobby seem like an appealing pair. Look at those two...they're almost making me hate tacos. Luckily my love of crunchy shells filled with spicy ground beef is stronger than my hatred of empty shells filled with delusions of grandeur and silicone.


Bender and Amy--Futurama



This just seems...painful. I hope Amy got a Tetanus shot before partaking in a robosexual relationship.


Rachel and Joey--Friends



There is only one couple more revolting than Ross and Rachel and that would be this one. Must you only date within your tight-knit circle of friends, Friends?? Phoebe is the only one on this show who wisely dated outside of the group and she ends up marrying the adorable and hilarious Mike, played by Paul Rudd. WIN!   I only hate that couple because it isn't me marrying a character played by the adorable and hilarious Paul Rudd.


Connor and Cordelia--Angel



Before there was Jacob Black and Renesmee, there was Cordelia and Connor. Yes, he may look like a big boy but technically he was like less than a year old. But it's not really Cordelia's fault, she was possessed. Just like it's not really Jacob's fault that he imprinted on a newborn. Are you taking notes Pedobear?

What are some TV couples you can't stand? Tell me who you hate @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

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