2012 Oscar Movies Made WAY Better (With Small Changes)


Am I the only one that thinks the movies nominated for Oscars this year are boring? Where’s the excitement? THE ACTION? The laughter? Well, these 10 Oscar nominated films would be a lot more fun if they just made some minor minor changers. Here’s what we’re thinking…


War Horse

oscars poster 2012 war whores



oscars poster 2012 monkey ball



oscars poster 2012 Yi Gi Oh


Tree Of Life

oscars poster 2012 Mr. T of life


The Help

oscars poster 2012 the herp paris hilton linsday lohan


The Iron Lady

oscars poster 2012 the iron lady iron man


The Descendants

oscars poster 2012 tje decendants ants


Midnight In Paris

oscars poster 2012 midnight in paras


Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

oscars poster 2012 Extremely Loud & Incredibly Gross snooki


The Artist

oscars poster 2012


Which of these movies deserves to win? Let us know in the comments!

Check Out 10 Movies That Totally Should've Won The Best Picture Oscar Because They Are Awesome!
