Bethesda list two steps PS3 users should follow when applying patch 1.4 to Skyrim

By Stephany Nunneley

For many PS3 users, the release of patch 1.4 for Skyrim was an absolute blessing, as it contains a fix to some lag issues players have been experiencing on the system since launch. However, a few players have noted they are still experiencing some issues, while others have reported smooth sailing.

If you are one of the former, Bethesda has posted the following on the official forums, and hopefully it will fix any remaining problems you may be experiencing:

“The 1.4 patch for Skyrim includes many performance-enhancing updates for the PlayStation 3. A few important things to note:

1. To ensure the fastest jump in performance after applying the patch, be sure to first create a new manual save by entering the save menu and choosing “save game.” You should then restart your PlayStation 3 before continuing to play.

2. If you encounter strange behaviour while playing immediately following application of the patch, do not be alarmed – this is a temporary effect of Skyrim scripts correcting themselves after the update. Once this process runs its course, be sure to make a new save and restart your PlayStation 3.”

Try these steps out, and if it still doesn’t help matters, head over to the forums and post on the matter. Bethesda has said it looks “at forums (including our own), wikis, blog comments, YouTube videos, and more,” when it comes to user feedback.

Thanks, OPM.
