Four Sony Online Entertainment titles to close down

By Brenna Hillier

Sony Online Entertainment will shutter four of its games, including EverQuest Online Adventures.

The other three affected games are Cosmic Rift, Infantry and Star Chamber: The Harbinger Saga.

Evidently expecting EverQuest Online Adventures players to be the most distraught, SOE is offering all current members three months Gold Membership in both EverQuest and EverQuest II beginning March 16.

An FAQ on the closure has been added to the game’s forums, which reveals an official end date of March 29. Billing will cease on March 1 with all players able to continue for free for the remaining month. Pro-rated refunds will be given to those with subscriptions extending past the cut off date.

All official websites and forums will also be shut down, and SOE has no plans to allow the game to be licensed for emulation.

EverQuest Online Adventures released on PS2 in 2003. It was one of the only MMOS to grace the system in Europe.

Thanks, Massively.
