So it should go without saying that sending a friend request to the defendant in a trial that you're serving on the jury of, is a bad idea. We all agree on this point...correct? Well, Jacob Jock not only thought that that was a good idea, he took it one d-bag step further and is now spending some time in the pokey. From Facebook poker to the Facebook-free pokey. Nice move, dummy!
It all started when Jock (Kind of an awesome d-bag name, don't ya think?) sent a friend request to the defendant Violeta Milerman. She very wisely reported this to her lawyer, and Jock was immediately dismissed from the jury. Now he could've just left it alone. It's kind of a win I right? I mean unless you're retired or a totally annoying know-it-all, everyone pretty much gets bummed out about having to serve jury duty. #democracyproblems
But no! It wasn't good enough for Jacob Jock! He went back on Facebook and posted this status: Score...I got dismissed! Apparently they frown upon sending a friend request to the defendant...haha!
Unfortunately for Jock, the judge didn't think it was so funny. Jock was brought back to court and after two hours was convicted of contempt and sentenced to three days in jail. I'm betting he won't update his status with that hilarious tidbit.
So let this be a lesson to everyone! Facebook and jury duty do not mix! Unless you're clever and funny about it. That always works.
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