Yes, the destruction of the planet Alderaan was a horrifying event that killed over a billion peaceful life-forms. But the true victims were the Alderaanians vacationing away from their home planet at the time. Now they have to find a new apartment somewhere else in the galaxy. Here are some places they could look, but it'll be challenging financially, especially because they do not get their security deposit back even if their previous apartment's destruction was due to a show of strength from the Galactic Empire.
Become a Jedi
Becoming a Jedi isn't the hardest thing in the world — if you close your eyes and swing a light saber at a flying orb for a few hours you're basically there. And then you get to live in some sweet digs on Coruscant! There all the Jedis get to sleep in race car beds!
Find a deal on Hoth
Cannot beat the rent on a dead Tauntaun.
Settle for the Korean part of Naboo
It's like regular Naboo except there's a pho restaurant at every corner.
Try some intergalactic hostels
If you can handle living less in your own room and feel comfortable around an ever-rotating group of various sorts of species, there are a lot of hostel-like locations in the galaxy. Everyone is welcome at Jabba's Palace, for instance, so long as they laugh at all his jokes and are willing to pitch in for some occasional Rancor-maintenance.
Crash with a Wookie Friend
Wookies are incredibly hospitable, and your welcome will never be worn out. Unlike most friends who can tell you plainly that, after six months, it's time for you to move on, Wookies will just look at you and wail into the air. You could stay there forever so long as you make a concerned face, cup your ear as though you can't understand, and pretend like you have some very important business to do at that moment.
Betray your best friend to the Empire
Then they'll set you up in Cloud City! That is definitely the best city. Be warned though, at the end of the first year the Empire will alter the terms of your lease. Pray they do not alter it any further.
Spend some time in any sectors you might like to live in
Landlords will often advertise specials on the outside of their buildings to attract passersby. Sometimes though these fun balloons and promises of free month's rent are untrue and designed only to get you inside to look around. You know who to bring along if you suspect a trap.
How would you find an Apartment if you lived a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away? Let us know in the comments below!
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