Inaugural NYGCC Awards gives two nods to Portal 2

By Brenna Hillier

On the market for a highly specific gaming awards ceremony? The very first New York Videogame Critics Circle Awards has you covered.

Portal 2 was the most-favoured title at the very first annual awards ceremony, scoring a gong each for best writing and best overall acting.

No other game managed more than one mention in the short list of awards, but The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim nabbed best game, and Crysis 2 won “most NY centric”.

See the full list of winners below.

The New York Videogame Critics Circle includes Gamasutra’s Leigh Alexander; Joystiq’s Ben Gilbert; Kill Screen’s Ryan Kuo; GiantBomb’s Alex Navarro; G4’s Adam Rosenberg; and Shack’s Andrew Yoon, among others notables.

  • Manhattan Award for Most NY Centric Game: Crysis 2
  • Battery Park Award for Best Handheld Game: Super Mario Land 3D
  • Tin Pan Alley Award for Best Music in a Game: Bastion
  • A Train Award for Best Mobile Game: Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP
  • Herman Melville Award for Best Writing in a Game: Portal 2
  • Off Broadway Award for Best Indie Game: Bastion
  • Statue of Liberty Award for Best Open World Game: Saints Row: The Third
  • Great White Way Award for Best Overall Acting in a Game: Portal 2
  • Algonquin Roundtable Award for Best Book: All Your Base Are Belong to Us by Harold Goldberg
  • Mad Men Award for Best Videogame Commercial: Long Live Play – Michael
  • Big Apple Award for Best Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Thanks, RipTen.
