Indie Face Kick and Be Mine join indie bundle scene

By Brenna Hillier

Two new indie gaming bundles have arrived to take pitiful amounts of your money.

The unique conceit of the Be Mine bundle is its inclusion of soundtracks – but only when the total purchase tally reaches certain tiers. The total currently sits at over $46,000 with three days to go; at $50,000 a pile of soundtracks will be released, and at $75,000, a special mystery prize.

The base bundle contains The Ball, Beep, Sideway New York, Wasteland Angel and Xotic, as well as unlocked bonuses of Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals and all Xotic DLC. 20% of proceeds go to Child’s Play

The second new bundle is rather more mysterious. It’s called Indie Face Kick, and is currently under close wraps, but SteamGifts reportedly discovered the list erroneously publicly listed on the organisers’ Steam group page, since edited.

The pack is expected to include Booster Trooper, Dead Horde, Greed Corp, RuneSpell and Sol Suvivor.

The two new bundles join the original Humble Indie Bundle and latecomers Indie Gala and Indie Royale on the increasingly crowded pay-what-you-want collection scene.

Thanks, Joystiq, The Indie Game Magazine. [image]
