In Back To The Future and other time traveling films and TV shows there's always a bit of trouble, but it always works out OK in the end. That's because more often than not they only go back a couple of years to solve a problem. And there's a reason for that. The human race was a real piece of sh*t for most of it's existence, and life sucked for pretty much everbody until less than a century years ago. Here are some of the most important reasons not to go back more than 100 years:
Bears Outnumbered People
Up until we invented guns bears were so hard to kill that in most cities they outnumbered humans by a 10 to 1 ratio.
It Was Cold All The Time
Refrigerators have been around since the middle of the Roman Empire, but no one thought to invent having doors on refrigerators until about 80 years ago. So for the last 2,500 years humans have all been incredibly chilly because all the refrigerators in the world were open.
Women And Minorities Were Treated... Differently
I think we've all seen that picture of Thomas Jefferson riding in a cart made out of women and pulled by slaves while punching a Chinese person for hanging out with a Latino.
As we all know the Earth was made 400 years ago by God when he sneezed and Earth came out. So don't let scientists fool you into thinking the dinosaurs have been gone for a long time. Dinosaurs only just went extinct in 1924, when Babe Ruth hit a foul ball so hard that it went over the stadium and hit the last Tyranasaurus in the eye, killing him instantly.
Medical Care Was Handled.... Differently
You know how nowadays when you go to a doctor they cure you? Well back in the day no one knew what the f*ck they were doing so doctors did all sorts of crazy sh*t like put leaches all over people's bodies when they came in with the flu. In addition, the Church had a lot of input on the medical profession until not that long ago, so most doctors thought most maladies were caused by tiny demons inside your head (I am totally serious), and prescribed DRILLING INTO YOUR HEAD TO LET THE DEMONS OUT. Think about that the next time you're all pissy about Nyquil tasting a little bitter.
Rich People All Wore Big Poofy Wigs
It's pretty frustrating that rich people own over 85% of the wealth in the United States, don't share it with us, and doom us to a hand to mouth existence where we are constantly in fear of going broke and living in the street, but think how much more embarrassing and annoying all of that would be if they wore big poofy wigs while they did all that to us.
You Would Instantly Die
Our over-sanitized society where germs are constantly being annhilated has made it so that we are incredibly susceptible to diseases, since our bodies never come into contact with them to build up immunities. And the world was a huge dirty sh*thole back in the day where factories belched black smoke all day and night and people wiped their asses with their hands. So the second we stepped out of our time tube or whatever and into "the romance of Victorian England" a hooker with gout would limp by us on her one wooden leg, squat and take a piss right in the middle of the cobble stone street, and we would die of 20 diseases at once as they all flew off of her and onto us.
Why else should you not travel back in time? Let us know in the comments!
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