The Assassin in Borderlands 2 loves swords, and is a mysterious fella

By Stephany Nunneley

The Assassin in Borderlands 2 has been hashed out over on IGN, and according to Gearbox, the class is basically the “ninja” who runs around the place slice folks to bits with his sword.

The Assassin can do this using stealth, which will a net critical hit bonus, or you can do your moves out in the open for large burst of insane damage. No matter your playstyle though, like all the other classes in the game, it can be tailored to fit your preferred style – so if you want to do a bit of stealth or all out in-their-face fighting, you can.

He even has a backstory, according to art director Jeramy Cooke, and his name is Zer0.

“The cool thing about Zer0 is you don’t really know where he’s from or what he’s all about just yet,” Cooke explained. “He’s definitely a bit of a mystery and that’s on purpose…an interesting note about Zer0 is his real name is not Zer0. That’s what everyone calls him because every time he assassinates someone he displays a zero on his faceplate so he’s just known as Zer0.

His weapon of choice, a sword, is also the class’s “clearly defined weapons preference” and will be the only class in the game with said preference. While you can’t “swap out swords the same way you swap out guns”, you will be able to enhance the effectiveness of the Assassin’s melee attacks as you level up. However, not being able to customize swords for Zer0 may sound off-putting, but there’s a reason behind it and it’s called “digistruction.”

“Digistruct is our term in the Borderlands universe for this ability of having like a digital blueprint that can then be built, you know, on demand,” added creative director Paul Hellquist. “That’s how our cars appear in the world and a lot of things in the game are constructed in this way…when you pull your guns out they digistructed out of their holster.

“Hopefully people will finally get to really realize all this kind of cool technology we invented. In fact even Claptrap has a digistruct module. If you’ve ever seen his little tray pop out of his chest, he’s got a digistruct module in there.”

There’s tons more information on The Assassin through the link, and the class is just the latest to be spotlighted on IGN.

Borderlands 2 is out September 18 for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.
