Very Best Of FMyLife: Cupcakes Edition


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Cupcakes are great because so many wars have been fought over then and so many lives have been needlessly lost, But sometimes cupcakes can be a real bummer too. That's where FMylife comes in, collecting the worst moments of our lives, all in one place. Here are some of the best cupcake moments this week!. Here are some of the best Star Wars moments this week!


I'm Sad Somebody Hit Me

Today, my only motivation to get out of bed was cupcakes in the refrigerator. FML








There Goes Your Self Esteem

Today, I got a text from my mom saying, "I heard the cupcake store got robbed. Where are you?" Then she texted back, "Oh never mind, they wanted money, not cupcakes. It wasn't you." Very funny, Mom. FML








Wedding Feces Follies

Today, my 28-year-old brother who has been pranking me all my life, put a chocolate cupcake on my chair. I sat on it, with my white dress. On my wedding day. FML








He Was In The War He's A Hero

Today, my mom baked cupcakes for my visiting grandparents. Later, I saw my grandpa chowing down on them. Even later, my mom demanded to know why there were a dozen cupcake wrappers on my bed. I've essentially been framed by my own grandpa, and am now grounded for a month. FML







Sic The Punisher On Your Friend

Today, I brought a cupcake to school for my friend's birthday. After taking one bite, she exclaimed that it was the worst thing she had ever tasted and that we should sue the store that I bought it from. I baked it myself. FML








Your Life Is A Shadow Cast On Us All

Today, it was my birthday. My parents got me a box of cupcakes. My brother got me a deck of cards. My aunt got me a brochure on how to quit smoking. I have diabetes, I don't play cards, and I don't smoke. FML








That Sucks Steve

Today, I brought some cupcakes to my class for my birthday, like all the cool kids do. When it came time to sing happy birthday, the entire class said "happy birthday to" then forgot my name. Except my teacher. She said Steve. My name's Jeff. FML







If You Are A Girl I Am Now Turned On

Today, while at the bakeshop, I got bored waiting in line so I decided to sit on the glass case protecting cupcakes. Turns out there was no glass. I had to pay $50 to cover all the mess and had to walk out of the bakeshop with icing all over my butt. FML







Bad Boys Are So, I Mean They're So... I Just Want To ROWR

Today, to ask a boy I really liked to my school's turnabout dance, I gave him a box full of 10 cupcakes that spelled out T-U-R-N-A-B-O-U-T-?. The boy gave the box back a little later. There were two cupcakes left inside. It said N-O. FML






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