Star Wars is great because it made it so George Lucas could afford to hire immigrant women to wipe himself when he goes to the bathroom, But sometimes Star Wars be a real bummer too, like when someone breaks a DVD copy and comes at you with the sharp part in a bar fight. That's where FMylife comes in, collecting the worst moments of our lives, all in one place. Here are some of the best Star Wars moments this week!
The Dark Side Works Better
Today, I walked in on my sister sitting on the toilet, trying to use "The Force" to pull over the toilet paper roll sitting on the sink. FML
You Are Not An Alpha Male
Today, my mother sold my extensive Star Wars collection, and I cried when I found out. I'm 46. FML
You're Wrong That's Awesome
Today, my boyfriend and I were having a romantic moment when I made a Star Wars reference. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I said it or the fact that he seemed more turned on by it. FML
You Murdered R2-D2
Today, I was eating Star Wars gummy candies and I bit R2-D2 in half. My girlfriend looked at it and said "Oh look, now he's R1-D1". It was super cute, but I couldn't help thinking, "That's not how the numbering system works for droids." FML
The Force Is Not So Selfish
Today, while playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, my phone rang, and I instinctively tried to pick it up with the Force. I kept trying until it stopped ringing. FML
As Long As He Made You Wear A Leia Bikini
Today, my boyfriend of two years said he would finally take me somewhere romantic. I spent my day at a Star Wars convention. FML
This Is Funny Now, But It Will Be Painful Later
Today, my drunk father chased me down the street with my little brother's light saber screaming, "Come back Yoda! Teach me how to use the force!" FML
I Don't Think He'll Mind
Today, I was on a date with a guy having a great time. I went up to go to the ladies' room, but as I walked back to the table, I heard some giggles. I looked and found out why. My skirt was tucked into my underwear. I was wearing my lucky Star Wars-themed panties. FML
She's Got A Good Head On Her Shoulders
Today, I sent everyone a text on my phone book saying, "Happy Star Wars Day!!! May the Fourth be with you!!" I forgot to uncheck my exgirlfriend's number. She texted back, "one of the many reasons I broke up with you." FML
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