8 Pokemon Who Should Be President!

Mikey McCollor

Three years into his term, it's become clear that President Obama is not the very best, like no one ever was. He has failed to get the economy back on track, driven up the national debt, and is incredibly weak against Grass types. Hopefully Republicans are paying attention, because these are the Pokemon who should be President.




In order to get the general populous behind his agenda, a President's speeches must be electrifying. So for the candidate who literally has a skill that most candidates only have metaphorically, vote Pikachu!




You'd have to imagine Gyarados would be effective in moving legislation through congress, because he is resistant to Water types. Most congressmen are Water types.




Snorlax would be a lock for re-election. It's hard to imagine a scenario where he doesn't win crucial swing-state Ohio, who's state motto is "SNOOOOORLAX".




I see Psyduck as the only man who could end the conflict in the Middle East. Both Israeli and Palestinian leaders can look at him and to agree that there is no way this goofball is ever going to evolve into Golduck. And this is how peace begins.




What a powerful political player Mewtwo could be in Washington. The opposing party wouldn't stand a chance against a President with powerful psychic abilities, as Republicans learned during the Truman administration.




Meganium's flower actually excretes a fragrance that calms negative emotions. That is going to come in handy when Maganium is forced to renege on his campaign promise not to raise taxes for those making under 250,000 dollars annually.




This legendary Pokemon is said to bring eternal happiness to whomever sees it. Hopefully Ho-Oh could become President quickly then, because some of those sad sacks in congress really need some cheering up! Did you know that things have gotten so hard for Sen. Dick Durbin that he doesn't even like Toy Story or friendship bracelets anymore?




Arceus' move Judgement would instantly end all of America's foreign conflicts, as it is the only move that guarantees a same-type attack bonus. After all, it was Franklin Roosevelt who said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Also enemies who are guaranteed a same-type attack bonus".

Which Poke-candidate will you be backing in the fall? Let us know in the comments below!


Check out Pokemon who could find success in UFC!
